The hearbeat of Grampian Television was it’s news and current affairs service. News and Views was Grampian’s first nightly news magazine and current affairs programme for the first year of operation. News and Views, Grampian Week, and Grampian News were less sophisticated than todays news programmes but the aim and end result was the same.
Grampian Week a half hour weekly programme covering Scottish affairs was Presented by June Shields. Grampian News was a ten minute bulletin at lunchtime and teatime Monday to Friday. Covering all angles from westminster was Points North Grampian’s monthly political programme. Charles Smith was Grampian’s Head of News, Renton Laidlaw, Ron Thompson, Donny B Macleod and Donald MacCormick were just some of the Reporters at Grampian in the sixties.
In 1973 Grampian devoted two hours in primetime to a debate in which leading figures of the oil industry together with local planners discussed in detail the problems created by the development of Oil. What Price Oil attracted a large viewing audience and that paved the way for Grampian Debate. The programme took a major topic each quarter and gave an invited audience of people from the region an opportunity to examine experts. Grampian Today launched in 1976 it was a news magazine programme broadcast at 6pm for thirty minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Ron Thompson showcased his flair for the humorous and the unusual in Thompson at Teatime on Tuesdays at 6pm and on Thursdays at 6pm Ted Brocklebank hosted a studio debate in Talking With Ted. Bill Mackenzie, Alan Cowie and Selina Scott presented and reported for Grampian Today.
Ted Brocklebank became Head of News in 1977 he decided to change the name of the programme from Grampian Today, North Tonight was born in January 1980 reflecting the advances of technology and Grampian’s additional news centers in Dundee, Inverness and Stornoway. North Tonight was on air from Monday to Friday at 6pm.